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DSM-7815-003XX - 3.3W~15W Non-Isolated DC-DC Converter With Negative Output

提供DSM-7815-003XX - 3.3W~15W Non-Isolated DC-DC Converter With Negative Output的详细产品服务资讯,包括型号、名称、叙述和规格。我们秉持着精益求精及高品质保证,提供一系列实用且价格合理的DSM-7815-003XX - 3.3W~15W Non-Isolated DC-DC Converter With Negative Output产品,并以多年的丰富经验及技术获得国内外客户赞许及肯定,若您有任何采购DSM-7815-003XX - 3.3W~15W Non-Isolated DC-DC Converter With Negative Output需求,欢迎与我们联络。
产品说明 :

DSM-7815-003XX is high efficiency switching regulators can suit to replace LM78xx / LM79xx linear regulators and its pin-out can be compatible with LM78xx / LM79xx IC. One of the key features is the model can be chosen positive or negative output voltage according to the application. It also features high efficiency up to 96% meant low power loss, wide working temperature range of –40oC up to +85℃ with no additional heat sink, compliance with EN55032 radiated Class B without external components, and so on.

功能说明 :

DSM-7815-003XX can extensively be used for Voltage step down, Power supplies, Industrial PC, Digital set-top boxesn, Data communications, Microcontroller related applications and Point of load regulator in distributed power system.

规格 :

I/P Vol.:8~18VDC
O/P Vol.:-15 VDC
O/P Current:-300mA
O/P Watts (max.):4.5W

Remark : DSM-7815-003XX output voltage at -15 VDC

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瑞玛企业有限公司以顾客满意服务为宗旨,提供专业的DSM-7815-003XX - 3.3W~15W Non-Isolated DC-DC Converter With Negative Output咨询与服务。欢迎您透过上述表单将DSM-7815-003XX - 3.3W~15W Non-Isolated DC-DC Converter With Negative Output的洽询需求传送给我们,我们会尽快与您联络。若您对于其他DSM-7815-003XX - 3.3W~15W Non-Isolated DC-DC Converter With Negative Output产品服务有任何采购需求,亦可来信或来电洽询,我们会提供最优质服务并且立即解决您的问题。